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The Three Ps of Fishing

The Three Ps of Fishing

In my last column I discussed flies and what they might represent. In this column I would like to talk about using them effectively.
70 Mile Community Club 50/50 draw a huge success

70 Mile Community Club 50/50 draw a huge success

Among its upcoming events, the 70 Mile Community Club is hosting a Christmas craft fair
HAPHAZARD HISTORY: Lord Martin Cecil of 100 Mile House

HAPHAZARD HISTORY: Lord Martin Cecil of 100 Mile House

Martin Cecil just completed a career in the Royal Navy when he arrived in 100 Mile House
Donations welcome for ICC Christmas hamper program

Donations welcome for ICC Christmas hamper program

There are many activities planned for November and December, writes Diana Forster in her monthly column

Anti-Bullying Week

Nov. 11th to 15th marks the 2024 Canadian Anti-Bullying Week; a time dedicated to raising awareness about bullying with the goal of making it a thing of the past.

October a busy month for Community Club in Lac La Hache

October was such a busy month for the Community Club, it just seems to have flown right by! The weather was great, not too cold, or too wet judging by the notes I had written down or by the photos I saved. Mr.
RANCH MUSINGS: A call for a 'civil' society

RANCH MUSINGS: A call for a 'civil' society

Lateral kindness is an approach to addressing lateral violence
THE MOJ: Lions head into the playoffs with no one sure what team will show up

THE MOJ: Lions head into the playoffs with no one sure what team will show up

Regina or Winnipeg in this split personality team’s immediate future
THE MOJ: It’s time for Elias Pettersson to find that extra 5 per cent

THE MOJ: It’s time for Elias Pettersson to find that extra 5 per cent

Canuck star centre isn’t lazy but he has to find a way to access full extent of his talent
THE MOJ: Lions hoping new old face under centre can fix what ails them

THE MOJ: Lions hoping new old face under centre can fix what ails them

B.C. giving Adams Jr. the start, but their problems run deeper than the quarterback position