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Office Poltiics 101: A domineering employee is intimidating others

Q: There is a woman in our office who practically dominates all our departmental staff meetings, which I chair. She frequently interrupts and employees seem to be intimidated by her overbearing style. I am thinking of speaking with her. Your suggestions?
Municipalities defend business tax rates

Municipalities defend business tax rates

B.C. cities and towns still charge businesses almost three times the residential rate on average, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.
Green natural gas hits marketplace

Green natural gas hits marketplace

Households can now to choose buy carbon-neutral biogas at a premium through FortisBC
Falcon urges business to sell HST

Falcon urges business to sell HST

Finance Minister Kevin Falcon says there are still many people making up their minds about the harmonized sales tax.
B.C. extends aboriginal forest rights

B.C. extends aboriginal forest rights

The B.C. government is extending its interim forest and range agreements with aboriginal people to include a new 25-year woodland licence for Crown forests.
Final game support

Final game support

Canuck Fever has hit 100 Mile House with symptoms of loss of concentration, increased blood pressure and sudden fits of tears or laughter
Jim French: driving down new roads

Jim French: driving down new roads

Jim French retires after 43 years in the automotive industry
Sunrise Ford has a new driver at the wheel

Sunrise Ford has a new driver at the wheel

Sunrise Ford has a new owner
Check out what 108 Mile offers this weekend

Check out what 108 Mile offers this weekend

Today is Tim Hortons Camp Day

Today is Tim Hortons Camp Day