The 100 Mile House and District Soccer Association (OMHSA) held a Skills Jamboree on Saturday at the 100 Mile House Soccer Fields.
The jamboree consisted of warmups and minigames designed to assess the skills of players so the association could form balanced U10 to U18 teams. Amy McKean, president of the association, said this was the first time the OMHSA has hosted a jamboree like this.
“It’s also to get a look of what’s out there for our rep program and see who might be interested if they haven’t signed up for it yet,” said McKean.
The rep league is comprised of U10 to U18 teams and runs from the beginning of May to the end of September, according to the OMHSA website. McKean said the OMHSA decided to run the jamboree after unbalanced teams plagued their last season.
“It was brought to my attention by one of my board members as a thought because we did have a couple of concerns halfway through last season about some of the imbalances and we were trying to find a way to mitigate that problem this year.”
Overall, McKean says that both the players and parents seemed to enjoy the jamboree.
“We had a lot of comments once we posted that that’s something that we were going to be doing in full support of it,” noted McKean.
McKean stated that parents came to the jamboree to ask the soccer association questions about what gear their kids needed, as well as the rep program, and registration.
“A mixed bag of conversation,” noted McKean.
The OMHSA’s season kicks off April 29 and runs until the end of June, where it takes a two-month break before resuming in September.