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Wood duck saved by kindness

Rescuers go above and beyond to save duck stuck in stove

To the editor:

Peter Hart’s Canim Lake column contained a story about a wood duck being trapped in my chimney because it mistook the chimney for a nesting place.

I could not get the duck out myself, so it spent at least 12 hours trapped before it was rescued. After making some calls, I hit on the idea that I could call the chimney sweep who cleans and inspects my flue each year - Brian Tennet (BJs Chimney Sweep and Brian's House of Birds) for help.

Brian told me what had to be done and added he would not be able to come out himself because he was repairing his truck. I made a couple of calls and no one was home, so I was still in a quandary about how to rescue the duck.

Then Brian called back to tell me a neighbour was going to drive him from Bridge Lake and he would be there in an hour. They arrived around 2 p.m. and within moments he had the insert out and released the duck, which promptly flew into the lake, had a bath and disappeared.

Brian and his friend refused any payment for their time, so I paid them for the gas consumed and gave them my heartfelt thanks for their kindness. Through this letter, I hope to be able to thank them again on behalf of the duck and myself.

Apparently this happens frequently. The only way to prevent it is to place a cap on the chimney, which I have arranged for.


Gordon Kellett

Canim Lake