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Wildfire resiliency project begins in South Green Lake

Ken ALexander’s column to the Free Press
Piles of wood are popping up during a fuel management project at the end of Green Lake South Road. It is the start of a wildfire resiliency program behind the offshore private properties that go from the end of the provincial park to the end of the road. When completed the Nolan Creek Interface fuel break will cover 50.3 hectares. (Ken Alexander photo)

Work has started on the fuel management project behind the private properties on the off-shore side of Green Lake South Road from the end of the Green Lake Provincial Park to the end of the road.

When completed, the Nolan Creek Interface fuel break will be 50.3 hectares (ha).

The fuel treatment this year will be close to 15 ha and then next year, the rest of the remaining 345 ha will be treated.

There will be “active worksite signs” posted so the public will know the fuel mitigation project is underway in that area.

Torque ‘n’ Services is the contractor and has been doing the fuel management work since the end of October.

This year’s project is all hand thinning, cleaning and piling work because it is in a spruce-type stand with shallow roots. Burning will also be conducted.

The contractor has received a special burning exemption to burn the piles of fuel, and it will be starting soon.

Residents can expect to see some smoke behind their properties.

The burning exemption is special for fuel management projects that allow contractors to burn close to residents’ properties and on poor venting days to eliminate the fire hazard sooner, instead of the pile burning taking place over several winters.

They will be burning the new piles as well as old piles from treatments in previous years.

More fuel


A new contract has been started to resume work at the Boyd Bay site.

It is a continuation of a previous fuel management project, including thinning, piling and burning.

This project could be ongoing throughout the winter.

Snowmobile trail

clearing completed

Seven Green Lake Snowmobile Club members volunteered to work on the second trail-clearing event on a cold and windy Nov. 11.

They met at the Snowmobile Clubhouse at 9 a.m. and rode on six quads to the trails that needed clearing.

Event leader Ron Tonts said they cleared the trail from Sawdust Road through the Crater Lake Bypass and continued along to Moose Alley and back to the Clubhouse.

He noted the “recent gusty winds messed up the trails that were cleared a few weeks earlier.”

Refundable bottle/

can disposal

The 70 Mile Eco-Depot is no longer accepting refundable bottles and cans for the South Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department.

Area residents are encouraged to let their neighbours know about the changes and to drop off their refundable bottles and cans in the shed in front of the Fire Hall at 546 Green Lake South Road.