To the editor:
Every year, communities across the country hold ceremonies to mark the National Day of Mourning on April 28.
It's a day we remember all those who have lost their lives, been injured or become ill because of their work. It is a day to honour the families, friends and co-workers who were left behind when a worker dies, or who must care for their family members who have been seriously injured or sick.
It is also a day to renew our commitment to fight for healthier and safer workplaces; for greater accountability of negligent employers; and for full compensation for injured workers and survivors.
To mark the Day of Mourning this year, the BC Federation of Labour (BCFL), along with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), are calling for a comprehensive ban on asbestos – the hidden killer.
Asbestos is the leading cause of work-related deaths in British Columbia and Canada.
It is estimated that every year more than 145,000 Canadian workers are exposed to asbestos at their workplaces, and tragically over 2,000 are diagnosed with fatal asbestos-related cancers and other diseases.
In B.C., hundreds of workers are exposed to asbestos during demolition, renovation and excavation activities.
That is why the BCFL is urging the provincial government to institute mandatory licensing of asbestos abatement contractors and provincially recognized certification of asbestos abatement workers.
In addition, we urge all municipalities to require hazardous materials inspection reports and confirmation that any abatement work was performed by a licensed contractor prior to the issuance of a permit for demolition, renovation or excavation.
Last year in B.C., 187 workers lost their lives in work-related tragedies. That is 187 families mourning the loss of a loved one. Thousands more were injured or developed occupational diseases.
This is simply unacceptable.
We all need to do better. The government, the Workers’ Compensation Board, and employers need to do more – they and need to be held accountable. Implementing a ban on asbestos is one concrete step we can take that will save lives.
Irene Lanzinger, president
BC Federation of Labour