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EDITOR: Motorcyclist thanks 100 Mile Good Samaritans

A letter to the 100 Mile Free Press’ editor
Chuck Mennear and his Victory motorcycle. (Photo submitted)

Dear Editor,

My friend and I enjoyed a beautiful motorcycle trip through Canada to Hyder, Alaska last week. What a beautiful ride we had! The scenery was spectacular, the roads were amazing, and the people were as friendly as anywhere in the world. I have travelled extensively for work and pleasure and never found people to be as helpful and considerate as the people of British Columbia.

Our return trip took us through 100 Mile House. About midway between Williams Lake and 100 Mile House my riding companion began to experience issues with his rear tire.

We limped along until we were about 10 kilometres outside 100 Mile House, when we determined we could not ride any further without damaging the motorcycle. We pulled to the side of the road and began calling for roadside assistance.

As it was a Sunday afternoon, we were having difficulty finding anyone who was able to come and tow us into 100 Mile House.

While I was on the phone with the insurance company a motorcycle rider rode by, going the opposite direction, and put his thumb up and down obviously asking if we were okay. At this point, I was quite frustrated, and put my thumb down.

I was a little stunned when this rider slowed down, went down the road to where it was safe to turn around, and came back to ask us what our problem was. We explained the problem with the back tire, telling him that we thought it might be a bearing issue, and that we were hesitant to ride it any further.

He, Cory Little, explained that he lived in the 108 Mile Ranch, and had access to a trailer. He said he would ride to his house, grab his trailer, and be back to pick us up in 30 minutes. We were obviously very grateful, but a little uncomfortable accepting his offer. It wasn’t his problem, and we felt bad dragging him into our issue. Cory wouldn’t be denied. He gave us the name and number of a motorcycle repair shop in 100 Mile House that he thought could help us and suggested we call him.

After Cory left, we called Justise, from Justified Rides, and he graciously agreed to allow us to park the bike at his shop. True to word, Cory was back in 30 minutes with his trailer and straps. We loaded the bike, strapped it down, of course, with Cory doing most of the work, and headed to 100 Mile House.

Upon arrival, we found a gracious lady who obviously helps Justise around his shop, and she allowed us to park the bike in the shop. Obviously, we wanted to pay Cory for his help but he refused any offer of remuneration: money, gift certificate, it didn’t matter what we offered he would not take anything.

Monday morning Justise put the bike on his lift, shook the tire, and announced it was the bearings. Justise spent the next couple of hours looking for replacement bearings, but, unfortunately, most motorcycle repair shops are closed Monday, and we were unable to find new bearings.

First thing Tuesday morning we were able to locate replacement bearings in Williams Lake, and while I rode to Williams Lake to pick them up Justise, Wally, and Dawson began removing the wheel and the bearings. I was back an hour-and-a-half later and the repair and reassembly began. Justise, Wally, and Dawson spent most of five hours replacing the bearings and putting back together a very difficult rear tire assembly. At 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, Chuck and I bid a fond farewell to 100 Mile House and the great people who we met and who helped us.

We just wanted you, and the good people of 100 Mile House, to know what great people you have living there and in the surrounding area.

Everyone we met, restaurants, grocery stores, service establishments, hotels, etc., were helpful, polite and accommodating.

We especially wanted to highlight how great Cory, Justise, Wally, and Dawson were in representing you good folks of 100 Mile House.

I hope soon that I am in some small way able to pay forward the kindness we found in your good community.


Doug Chambers and Chuck Mennear

490 Pebble Lane

Pocatello, Idaho,

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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