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Candidate demands apology from MLA Barnett

Cariboo-chilcotin independent candidate Gary Young wants apology

To the editor:

I demand Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett offer a vocal and written apology to all non-B.C. Liberal MLAs in British Columbia.

Her comments in the article, headlined MLA travel expenses disclosed, on page A3 of the Nov. 14/12 issue of the 100 Mile House Free Press about certain NDP MLAs and their expenses quotes her as saying "... they're not in the government."

News flash for the local MLA, all MLAs are a direct part of the B.C. government (elected), including the respected Independent MLAs.

This type of comment from a B.C. Liberal is unfortunately quite typical – arrogant and condescending.

The due apology should include everyone who voted in what is described as a democracy. The actions of the B.C. Liberal part of government show disdain for our voting democracy, as exampled by the fact the Harmonized Sales Tax was legally voted out by the voters of B.C., yet the B.C. Liberal government, led by (Premier) Christy Clark, simply chooses to ignore the wishes of the voters.

How insulting to make such a high-handed remark that spurns every non-Liberal MLA and his or her supporters.

The reason for this behaviour would seem to stem from the dictatorial attitude and actions of the current BC Liberal Party.

Democracy doesn't matter when they are in power, oversight of the BC Utilities Commission is reduced because the B.C. Liberals don't like what it reports to the public; keep advancing destructive run-of-river hydro projects that see the taxpayer cough up two to three times the price of hydro; and secret deals to build the Site C dam. The examples are endless.

First, we need the apology from Mrs. Barnett – an apology she doesn't get from the B.C. Liberal caucus – an apology on how insulting her comments are – typical but ongoing.

Gary Young

Cariboo-Chilcotin independent