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Water quality advisory issued for Horse Lake

The move is due to changing guidelines for drinking water, relating to manganese
A water advisory was issued for Horse Lake. (CRD graphic)

The Cariboo Regional District has issued a water quality advisory, to the Horse Lake water users as a result of levels of manganese (Mn) in its drinking water supply.

The quality of the drinking water has not changed, but the move is due to changed Canadian guidelines for drinking water.

Health Canada established a new maximum acceptable concentration for manganese in drinking water of 0.12 mg/L. Historical water test results show that the wells in Horse lake have produced between 0.14 to 0.29 mg/L of manganese. These manganese levels vary per well and what time of year the tests were taken.

Manganese (Mn) is an element found in air, food, soil and drinking water. While a small amount of Mn is essential for human health, new Health Canada research has shown drinking water with too much Mn can be a risk to health for infants and young children.

Due to this new information, Interior Health recommends people use another source of water, such as bottled water, for preparing baby formula for infants and food or drinks for young children. Boling the water will not lower the manganese level. Showering and bathing with this water is safe.

The CRD tests each well as part of its Water Quality Monitoring Program. The CRD has started upgrading its water infrastructure and will be applying for provincial and federal grants to help offset the cost of the upgrades. The CRD expects to meet the new guidelines in the near future.

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