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Talent shines at Showcase Concert

Students performed award-winning songs, poetry, instrumental and piano pieces.

The culmination of months of effort and dedication were on display at the 100 Mile Festival of the Arts Showcase Concert on April 29.

Students performed award-winning songs, poetry, instrumental and piano pieces in front of an appreciative audience.

From April 18-28 students have been performing their festival pieces in front of adjudicators at Martin Exeter Hall. The Showcase Concert highlighted some of the talent from the two weeks.

At the beginning, participant Adrienne Gardner gave a touching thank you to teachers, parents and fellow students.

“Teachers seem to have a never-ending supply of faith in their pupils and copious qualities of patience. For this, we will be forever grateful. Thank you.

“If there is anyone with an equal amount of patience to that of our teachers, it would have to be our parents. We literally practice the same things repeatedly, whether it is an entire song or just one bar; a full sonnet or just one line; or simply just scales. It is surprising that our families and parents, the unfortunate people subjected to this, are not driven mad… Thank you for putting up with our practising and for enabling us to pursue the arts.

“Finally, I want to thank my fellow students. You all support one another and always give positive feedback after performances. We all recognize that when faced with a stage, an audience and an adjudicator can make anyone feel nervous, so students are often seen congratulating each other on performances, even if they weren’t their greatest ones, reassuring that they did a good job.”

Throughout the evening, audience members were treated to delight after delight of stunning performances by those very students.

Awards from the Festival of Arts are as follows:

Instrumental Awards:

Beginner Solo 1 (Price Family): Emma Donnelly

Beginner Solo 2 (Seilis Family): Owen Hatch

Junior Solo 1 (100 Mile Festival of the Arts): Amy Jordaan

Junior Solo 2 (100 Mile Festival of the Arts): Emma Donnelly

Intermediate Solo 1 (100 Mile Festival of the Arts): Cameron Ardiel

Ensemble (Eleanor Nicoll): Emma Donnelly & Curtis Wolfe

Jazz Popular Music (100 Mile Festival of the Arts): Emma Donnelly

Charles Cawdell Memorial Band Award (Karen Smith): Peter Skene Ogden School Tour Band

Adjudicator’s Award: Allie Donnelly; 100 Mile Elementary Grade 7 Band

Outstanding Achievement (Dennis and Ruth Tupman): Emma Donnelly

Recommended for Provincial Festival

Junior Strings Observer: Emma Donnelly

Intermediate Brass Observer: Cameron Ardiel

Piano Awards:

JS Bach Junior (Ginny-Lou’s Music Studio): Isabelle Barrick

JS Bach Intermediate/Senior Margaret Christie Award (Jane & Neil Duncan): Noah Geerts

Baroque Junior, June Truant Memorial Award: Sophia Barrick

Baroque Intermediate/Senior, Priscilla White Memorial Award: Jason Watkins

Romantic Junior, 100 Mile Festival Award: Emma Yang

Romantic Intermediate/Senior: Hildegarde Goertz Memorial Award (Goertz Family): Maya Geerts

Classical Repertoire Junior Trudy Silverwood Award: Grace Yang

Classical Repertoire Intermediate/Senior, Trudy Silverwood Award: Noah Geerts

Sonata, Watkins Family Award: Julia Siclari

Canadian Composer, Joan Ireland Award (Graham Family): Heather Heales

Twentieth Century Junior, Kinasewich Family Award: Mikayla Watson

Twentieth Century Intermediate/Senior (Century Hardware): Daven Mapson

Christian Music, Fujiko Matsuda Award (Matsuda Family): Cailiegh Watson

Piano Ensemble, Garth and Shirley Gibson-Bull Award: Amy Jordaan & Christine Jordaan

Adjudicator’s Awards: Adrienne Gardner; Amy Jordaan; Lauren Keller; Rachel Klassen; Aiden Watson

Outstanding Piano Achievement (100 Mile Free Press): Noah Geerts

Recommended for Provincial Festival

Junior Piano Competitor: Noah Geerts

Intermediate Piano Competitor: Maya Geerts

Intermediate Piano Observer: Adrienne Gardner

Senior Piano Observer: Daven Mapson

Music Composition Awards

Junior, Katie Kidwell Award: Mary Lui

Intermediate, Peter Skene Ogden Secondary Award: Daniel Lange

Senior, Grace Sundman Award: Maya Geerts

Speech Arts Awards

Canadian Author (Hisako Arai): Vanessa Shearer

Dramatic Monologue (Christensen Family): Lydia Kinasewich

Group Poetry (Adjudicator Award): Cate McArthur & Beth Munro

Humorous Poetry (Matfin Family): Willoe Deneef

Choral Speaking (Mary Ann & Bill Robertson): Forest Grove Elementary, Grades 2,3,4,

Readers Theatre (Higher Ground Foods): Forest Grove Elementary, Grades 5, 6, 7; 100 Mile Elementary School, Grade 1-2

Doug Macleod Memorial Readers Theatre (Barb Macleod): Megan Balbirnie & Rachel Klassen

Lyric Poetry (Hisako Arai): Kaitlyn Piccolo

Narrative Poetry Award (Nuthatch Books): Shayne Sutton

Story Reading (Ginny-Lou’s Studio): Adrienne Gardner

Prose (Ginny-Lou’s Studio): Lydia Kinasewich

Albert Nicoll Memorial Intermediate Aggregate: Adrienne Gardner

Ginny-Lou’s Studio, Senior Aggregate: Lydia Kinasewich

Adjudicator’s Awards: Isabelle Barrick & Dakota Brown; Sophia Barrick & Alexa Ohlund; Faith Barber; Kaitlyn Piccolo & Paige Reeves

Outstanding Achievement (Kentree Enterprises Ltd.): Lydia Kinasewich

Recommended for Provincial Festival

Junior Speech Arts Observer: Vanessa Shearer

Intermediate Speech Arts Observer: Adrienne Gardner

Senior Speech Arts Competitor: Lydia Kinasewich

Vocal Awards

Classical Repertoire, Junior Roz Hooper Memorial (Swann Family): Baylee Shields

Classical Repertoire, (Intermediate Hub International Barton Insurance): Courtney Cave

Sacred, Irva & James Stewart Memorial Award (Audrey Smith): Lydia Kinasewich

Art Song, Heather Sherry Memorial (Walt Sherry): Courtney Cave

Concert Recital (Hub International Barton Insurance): Lydia Kinasewich

Musical Theatre, Junior Roz Hooper Memorial (Hooper Family): Baylee Shields

Musical Theatre, Intermediate Award (Century Hardware): Courtney Cave; Lydia Kinasewich

Folk Song,Olga Pugsley Memorial (Gordon Kellett): Devyn Johnstone

Popular Music Award (CIBC): Cory Mapson & Ingrid Mapson

Jazz, George Kellett Memorial Award (Gordon Kellett): Claire Kreschuck

Vocal Ensemble, Sakura Award (Hisako Arai): Emma Giroday & Desirae Thorsteinson

100 Mile House Performing Arts Bursary: Melody Watkins

Adjudicator’s Awards: Kayleigh Jacobson; Sarah Pfannmueller; Emily Thain; Katharina Wetzig

Outstanding Achievement (100 Mile and District Arts Council): Courtney Cave

Recommended for Provincial Festival

Junior Classical Voice: Claire Kreschuck (Competitor); Baylee Shields (Alternate); Devyn Johnstone (Observer)

Junior Musical Theatre: Baylee Shields (Competitor); Claire Kreschuck (Alternate)

Observers: Emma Giroday; Emily Thain; Desirae Thorsteinson; Melody Watkins

Intermediate Classical Voice: Courtney Cave (Competitor); Lydia Kinasewich (Alternate)

Intermediate Musical Theatre: Lydia Kinasewich (Competitor); Courtney Cave (Alternate); Kayleigh Jacobson (Observer)