With many BC forestry workers facing layoffs and job losses, the resulting stress and anxiety over their professional and financial futures can bring significant mental health challenges for them and their families.
Building resilience can help us to roll with life’s punches and weather difficult times. The Canadian Mental Health Association’s free, easy-to-access BounceBack program has been developed to teach useful skills to help you harness your inner strength and help you rebound from a setback or challenge.
Depression can look different in men
Many people are familiar with the more commonly known symptoms of depression, such as feelings of worthlessness, losing interest in things you used to enjoy, changes in appetite or sleeping, or feeling agitated or tired. However, signs of depression and anxiety can differ significantly between men and women.
For example, men often experience anger or irritability rather than sadness, which can make depression harder for others to see. Men may also use different coping skills than women do. Some signs of depression that men may notice include:
- Drinking more or taking drugs
- Avoiding family or social situations
- Escapist behaviour such as working obsessively or playing sports
- Finding it hard to keep up with work or family responsibilities
- Increased irritability and aggression
- Displaying controlling, or abusive behaviour in relationships
- Engaging in risk-taking behaviour, such as reckless driving, gambling etc.
Left untreated, depression can last for a long time so it’s important to seek help if you have been experiencing symptoms for two weeks or more. With help you can begin to feel like your old self once again.
Bounce Back Trailer BC from CMHA BC on Vimeo.
How can BounceBack help?
BounceBack is a skill-building program designed to help you manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Funded by the Provincial Health Services Authority, BounceBack is available for free throughout British Columbia.
With flexible delivery options, you can choose either online delivery through self-referral or to work with a coach over the phone. Either way, you’ll access tools to support you on your path to mental wellness. There is also an online video providing tips to manage your mood, sleep better, build confidence and problem solve available in English, Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi, French, Mandarin and Punjabi.
Why explore BounceBack? Of the more than 11,000 people who have completed the program, 90 per cent would recommend it to family and friends, and 85 per cent felt they could maintain the changes they made.
To learn more and get started today, visit bouncebackbc.ca or call 1-866-639 0522. You can also learn more about the Canadian Mental Health Association at cmha.bc.ca and on Facebook.