We asked candidates what candidates how they are feeling about the election and their chances.
Cathy McLeod - Conservative Party of Canada
“Tonight’s result is in the hands of the voters. We have amazing volunteers who have worked very hard, and we are hopeful that voters in our riding will support a Conservative team that wants to increase jobs, lower personal taxes, unlock the potential of our natural resources industry, and protect the environment. I have heard repeatedly at the doors every day that it’s time for the Trudeau Government to end and Andrew Scheer to become the Prime Minister of Canada. Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo is ready to send an experienced MP back to Parliament and be part of the next Conservative Government.
NDP Candidate Cynthia Egli going in to vote. Submitted photo.
Cynthia Egli - NDP
“I am proud to be on Jagmeet Singh’s NDP team. He has risen above the negativity and nasty campaign of the Conservatives and Liberals with a positive and inclusive message. He has shown courage and dignity. We have momentum. Now, we have to translate that into votes and seats to help bring about pharmacare and dental care, housing affordability, and address the needs of the environment and Canadian workers. I had to jump in late into the campaign and we’ve made up a lot of ground. Our excellent local NDP team and I have worked hard and now it is up to the voters. I went and cast my vote earlier today. My daughters can vote for the first time and it’s cool to see their Mom’s name on the ballot. I did this for them and especially for young folks – for addressing climate change and a better future. Canadian democracy is a beautiful and precious thing. We must all play do our part.”
Kira Cheeseborough - Animal Protection Party
“I feel this was a successful election advocating for the animals, environment, and people done wrong by systems of oppression. As this was my first election campaign, I had to learn on the go. However, I am confident I presented my platform well and appealed to many who want meaningful change. Looking at how many young people were engaged this election by asking questions at forums or voting with the urgency of climate change in mind, is inspiring. Young people are leading the charge and creating hope for the future. Regardless of the outcomes, I am thrilled for having this opportunity to advocate and challenge injustice head-on. I want to thank all those who supported my campaign and volunteered their time! You all made a huge difference by letting your voices be heard. Thank you everyone! As long as injustice is prevalent in politics, my name will remain on the ballots.
We did not receive a response from the other candidates. We will add their responses here if we do.
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