The 100 Mile Free Press asked each candidate of the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding a series of three questions for this week’s federal election coverage. The first question: What makes you the best candidate? The second: What issues in the South Cariboo need attention and how would you address them? And the third: How will you balance the needs and challenges of large communities in comparison to small rural communities throughout the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding? Candidates were given 300 words or less to share their responses. To ensure fairness as best we could, we’ve cut responses down if they went over 300 words.
What makes you the best candidate?
If you want to elect someone who wants to do government differently from Justin “Mr. Delay” Trudeau and Andrew “Mr. Deny” Scheer or if you want a party that puts you first by taxing large corporations and the wealthy to pay for better childcare, better health care, better seniors care, better housing, safe drinking water and a fully costed climate action plan, vote for me.
If you’d prefer a member of Parliament new to politics who is a mediator, a family justice counsellor, a union leader and workers’ advocate, a dog-owner, a mom and a wife – then I’m your choice.
What issues in the South Cariboo need attention and how would you address them?
The NDP will fund proactive training and retraining for workers experiencing job loss through the boom and bust cycles typical of our area. We’ll protect Canadian jobs and attract investors to the Cariboo, maintain supply management programs and invest in value-added industries, boost reforestation and implement the recommendations of the Cohen Commission. We’ll re-establish rural bus routes, develop a model of postal banking and provide better cell service and internet connections. We’ll create a new tax credit for graduates to work in rural communities.
How will you balance the needs and challenges of large communities in comparison to small rural communities throughout the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding?
I’m a listener and a problem-solver.
In my work with families in crisis, I see the same issues in every part of our riding. People can’t find affordable housing or safe places to care for their elders. They must make impossible decisions about choosing to pay for food or medications. They want real jobs for their kids, so their families can stay together. I would establish mobile offices in Clearwater, Clinton, Lac la Hache and Westwold – and points in between. I’d ensure that people are heard and that their needs and challenges are met with care and compassion, no matter how far they live from downtown Kamloops. I’m in this for you.
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