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Game banquet and displays slated for weekend

Community news happening around Lone Butte and Horse Lake
Karen Schuurman photo The kindergarten class at Horse Lake Elementary School celebrated Valentine's Day by dressing in red and making special hats.

If you have been on the fence until the last minute, there still is time to attend the Lone Butte Fish & Wildlife Association game banquet on Feb 25.

There will be a lot of door prizes and displays, game scoring, and, of course, great food to eat.

Tickets are available at Exeter Sporting Goods for $40 apiece and they include music and dancing after dinner.

For more information, check the website at or call George Ostoforoff at 250-395-4027.


Potluck supper

The first pot luck supper of 2012 will be on March 4.

Doors open at 4:30 p.m., with supper beginning by 5. Bring your friends and neighbours for a nice evening and get to know some new people.

Call the writer at 250-644-1555 for more information.


Easter egg hunt

Easter Sunday will find children out searching for candy-filled eggs.

Bring the family down to the community hall at 1 p.m. for some sweet fun.


Spring fling

It’s time to stomp out those winter blahs with a rocking spring fling dance April 14, with Mark Allen playing the tunes.

Tickets will be available at local outlets soon, or folks can call Elaine Kisby at 250-395-4385 or the writer to reserve your seat. Only a limited number of tickets will be sold.


Craft fair

April 21 will find the community hall filled with crafts by local artisans for sale.

If you have never been a vendor in Lone Butte, come out and share your wares with our community. It is always great to have some new and different vendors for these events.

We want it to be more of a craft and art event and not garage sale items. Give Audrey Burnell-Higgs a call to book your table now at 250-395-4206.


Hall bookings

If you have any events or celebrations and would like to book the Lone Butte Community Hall, please call Eileen Bird 250-395-9079.


Lone Butte Rocks

Organizers have been busy getting things planned for the Fourth Annual Lone Butte Rocks community celebration. This year, they have ordered nice weather and will be having various events throughout the day, as well as an evening dance on June 23. If you would like to be part of the stage entertainment throughout the day or have a vending display or would like to be part of this event in some other way, please call Heather Nelson at 250-395- 3588 or the writer at 250-644-1555 for more information.


Valentine’s dance

Students at Horse Lake Elementary School displayed some great moves and some Valentine's Day fun with a lunch-hour dance in the gymnasium.

With the tunes cranked and the pinks and reds hopping, a good time was had by all.


Fishing derby

Feb. 26 is the Horse Lake fishing derby.

Advance registration is at Lone Butte Sporting Goods or at the Bonanza Resort on the day of the derby, beginning at 7 a.m. for $10.

Hot lunch and drinks will be served and large cash prizes are up for grabs. Give Mark Roseboom a call at 250-395-2217 to find out more.