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Forest Grove communication upgrade

Community news happening around the Canim Lake area of the South Cariboo
Charlie Chow of Province-Wide Communications Ltd.

Dear Canimites,

The weather sure changed in a hurry.  First the benign and lingering sunny days lulled us into believing that the winter tires could wait another next week.  Then suddenly it started snowing, and me without the leaves raked!  On the plus side, snow now conveniently covers a multitude of undone chores.


Hall #2 high on towers

FGVFD members have put up a new antenna at Hall #2.  9-1-1 callouts will be received by Hall #2 through Hall #1 and then retransmitted to Hall #2 responders.  Chief Bob Felker says the signal strength of the new system will be excellent.

The firefighters logged well over 100 hours of time to do the installation.  Bob says that before winter they intend to complete the plumbing of Hall #2 and pour a concrete floor in the last third of the building to be used as an office, equipment room, washrooms and storage area.


Joan and Malcolm’s 50th

Congratulations to Joan and Malcolm Rochester who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Oct. 13.

They were married in the small St. Paul’s Church at Jarrow-on-Tyne, England, built in 685.

Malcolm was a millwright at the time, and Joan worked as a computer programmer.  They moved to Canada in 1968 to Vancouver, and to Canim Lake in 1992.

They have two children, a daughter at Sheridan Lake and a son in Kamloops, and three grandkids.

The entire family gathered at the Sparkling Hills Resort in Vernon for 4 days to celebrate together.

Community club

The monthly community dinners have been rescheduled from Saturdays back to the Fridays, starting November.  They take place on the third or fourth Friday of each month. For more information, call Jean Reynolds at 250-397-2773.

The Christmas Dinner is set for Monday, Dec. 17 at the Forest Grove Legion, starting at 5 p.m. with supper at 6.  The cost is $16 per person.  Phone Jean to book.

Ted and June North were visiting and attended the last community dinner at the Red Rock.

Sixteen residents attended the event which was marked by lots of chatter and laughter.

Crib is off to a flying start with six or seven players each night.  Sheila Hart edged Margo Wagner for top spot the first night, beating her by 1 point in a pegging duel.

Margo roared back the second night taking first place, edging Terry Wagner by one point.  It’s hell out there folks.

New players are most welcome.  Call Margo at 250-397-0016 for information.

The Book Club has Winter Solstice and Water for Elephants coming up in the next two months.

If interested, give Sheila Hart a call at 250-397-2645.


Bits and bites

The COPS group has received over $1400 from residents after their mail campaign to raise funds.  Regular patrols in the area continue without interruption, by road, ATV or boat in season.

Deputy Fire Chief Ron Lister asked me to remind readers that medical responders and firefighters may be delayed when residents do not have their street number signs posted at the road.

Remember, responders only get an address from 9-1-1, not your name.

From a speeding fire truck it is almost impossible to spot numbers which are mounted on fence posts or on houses set back from the road, or on small non-reflective signs, especially at night.

The Hawkins Lake VFD has sold their 1000 gallon tender and airport crash truck to private buyers.  They are actively looking for a larger tender for next Spring.

That’s all for now.  Until next time here’s wishing you many blessings.