The Watch Lake/North Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department's (WLNGLVFD) annual general meeting will be held this Sunday (Feb. 20) at 1 p.m. at the Watch Lake Community Hall.
Agenda items include president's report, secretary's report, treasurer's report, fire chief's report and elections of directors.
Refreshments will be served. Forms for the residential address signs will be available at the meeting if anyone is interested in purchasing a sign.
Another AGM
The Watch Lake/Green Lake Association's (WLGLA) annual general meeting is scheduled for Feb. 21 at the Watch Lake Community Hall.
Wine and cheese will be served at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting commences at 7:30 p.m. New executive members are urgently needed. If you are interested, contact Dimps Horn at 250-456-7741.
Passing grade
Congratulations to first responders Mark Bulman, Joni Guenther, Candace Tyler, George Wilson and firefighter Gisele Poliseno for completing and passing the Canadian Red Cross CPR/AED course on Jan. 8.
Special wishes
Best wishes to Ron Guenther, who will be celebrating a birthday on Feb. 22.
WLNGLVFD call-outs
Jan. 1 - Trench fire at the Watch Lake Landfill Site and Dump.
* WLNGLVFD meets every Monday at 3 p.m. New volunteers are always welcome. For more information, contact Guy Poliseno at 250-395-9082.
* The Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at Watch Lake Community Hall. Social and crafts at 11 a.m.; meeting commences at 12:30 p.m. Bring a lunch.
* WLNGLVFD Auxiliary's AGM will be held March 8 at 10 a.m. Please call the writer for more information.
Let me know
If you have community events, get-well, birthday or anniversary wishes or news you would like to share with the community, call the writer at 250-395-9082 or e-mail
I would love to hear from you.