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DLDVFD ladies auxiliary donates money raised from bingo

Deka Lake residents are busily engaged in winter activities
Bingo Commissioner Donna Watson

Deka Lake and District Volunteer Fire Department (DLDVFD) Ladies Auxiliary (LA) welcomed new member Jocelyne Colbert at its Jan. 9 meeting.

Members then voted to double the $428 proceeds of their Christmas party and donate it equally between Mountain Spruce Community Centre Society, the 100 Mile Food Bank and Loaves & Fishes Outreach.

The LA's Bingo Commission then presented $3,050, proceeds of bingo games from March to December 2012. With the exception of small amounts directed to community response, all funds raised go to improve the DLDVFD, thereby reducing our fire protection taxes.


Thin ice

DLDVFD fire chief AI Boyce notes lake ice is very thin.

A quad went down and is 25 feet under, and a snowmobile was pulled out from a different location.

The fishing may be good, but the ice is not. Pets should also be kept off until the ice thickens to a minimum of four inches.


Fishing derby

DLDVFD's annual Deka Lake Fishing Derby is on Feb. 9, the new long weekend.

Fishers may weigh in from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at McDonald's Access, and prizes will be awarded soon after.

Tickets cost $6 each and are entered in the prize draw even if you don't fish. Fish prizes go to three places for kokanee, lake trout and rainbow, and the largest kokanee also merits the Dennis Watt Memorial Trophy.


Directors needed

Tim Ruscheinsky, retiring president of Roe Lake and District Recreation Commission, warns residents "the panic is on," and Interlakes Hall is again in danger of closing down, unless residents step up and volunteer their services to the board.

An absolute minimum of four directors are urgently needed, and six would be better.

Please attend the general meeting at the hall on Feb. 6, starting at 7 p.m.


Church gathering

The "13 to 93" group, sponsored by the Cariboo Presbyterian Church, will be meeting at

Interlakes Hall on Jan. 18 from 4 to 6:30 p.m.

Enjoy meeting friends, discussions and a meal, which is not potluck. There is no charge, but donations are always appreciated. Residents are welcome to come for dinner only at 5 p.m.

These get-togethers will happen monthly – Feb. 15, March 15, April 12, May 10 and June 14. The may also occur during the summer.


Interlakes games

Darts is on the schedule at Interlakes Hall on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. For a $2 drop-in fee, come along and play, or learn how.

Card Night is Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. There is a $10 buy-in fee for poker players. Players of other card games are welcome for a $2 drop-in fee; just bring your equipment

and enjoy the camaraderie.

Carpet bowling is Tuesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. You do not need to know how; just come and try it.


Honour students

Congratulations to the following Interlakes honour students: Tristiana Allwood, Emilie Barnbrook, Rhyce Barnbrook, Hailey Blattler, Cameron Caldwell, Ashley Cant, Chelsea Cant, Carolyn Cook, Brent Ehlers, Piper Loft, Amber Parker, Aislinn Rivard, Kimberly Rottluff, Carissa Ruscheinsky, Jason Ruscheinsky, Jason Vogel, Samuel Vogel, Nicole Weston, Kendall Wilcox, Alicia Williamson and Sarah Zailo.


Birthday bubbly goes to Kitty Carroll, Elsie, Clarkson, Joan Foster and Bill Jollymore, all of whom celebrate on Jan. 20.



Call the writer for contact numbers.

DLDVFD quarterly meeting: 10 a.m., Jan. 20. All firefighters are requested to attend.

Knotty Ladies Applique Group meets from noon to 3 p.m., Jan. 21. Call Celia Visscher at 250-593-4070 for venue.

Highway 24/Interlakes Lions meet 6:30 p.m., Jan. 21 at Interlakes Hall.

Bridge Lake Community School meets 2 p.m., Jan. 23.