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Community dance

Victor Popiel’s regular correspondence for the 70 Mile area

A community get-together was held at the Community Hall last month. Around 70 people gathered to celebrate the end of the fire season and the snowy winter.

Highway cleanup

Sally Watson advised me that there would be no highway cleanup this year because of a lack of volunteers. Maybe next year?

SMAC news

The AGM will be held April 14 at noon. Volunteers are needed for the thrift store. Any time you can give would be appreciated.

Fire Protection


A special meeting will be held on April 16 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the decision by the TNRD to no longer provide funding to the 70 Mile Fire Department after Dec. 31, 2020. This affects all property owners in the 70 Mile House area.

The meeting will be held at the 70 Mile Community Hall. For more info call Ron Storie at 250-377-7078 or at

Other news

I attended a pancake breakfast at the Indian Metis Friendship Centre in Winnipeg. There were over 100 people there. The entertainment was great and included a dance group that appeared on Canadian Idol.