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Campfire safety

The snow is finally gone, although I'm hesitant to say that out loud

This means it's time for camping, fishing, hiking and just plain enjoying our beautiful Cariboo.

If your plans include outdoor living this summer, be prepared.

Campfires cannot be larger than a half-metre wide and half-metre tall, with a one-metre cleared ring around the fire. People should have a shovel or at least eight litres of water nearby to extinguish it.

I've just read some information that states, "nearly half of all wildfires at this time of year result from human activity."

Let us not be a part of that statistic. We can have a wonderful summer and still be safety conscious, so before leaving your campsite, make sure the fire is out completely and the ashes are cool.

For more information, visit the Wildfire Management Branch website at hhtp://