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100 Mile House and District Soccer Association prepares to open up 2025 registration

Registration fees have increased this year in a bid to retain coaches

The 100 Mile House and District Soccer Association (OMHSA) is opening up registration for the 2025 season.

According to a Facebook post on Jan. 7, the Soccer Association stated that registration will be opening up on Jan. 19. The registration will be for eight age divisions: U4, U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 - and will have a higher price than last year: U4 and U6 have a registration fee of $120, while the rest of the age divisions has a registration fee of $180.

Those who wish to register for the 2025 season are asked to register through Teamsnap. The costs will cover the BCSA insurance fees, individual/team photos,  practices and game days - as well as scrimmages for U6 as per the coaches' discretion. 

"They can go through our Facebook page or our link through our website, and it'll open right up - and you can start right up," said Amy McKean, the president of OMHSA. 

According to her, the higher costs this year are so that OMHSA can make more effort in retaining coaches.

"With raising prices a little bit, and being able to add in some new discount points, we're hopefully able to entice some people who want to coach and to want to get the training and then want to stay thereafter," McKean explained.

She added that people can choose to register as a coach by e-mailing their administration and leaving a note about which team they'd like to be attached to or if they're alright with coaching any team. 

"There will be room to state whether or not you want to be a coach if you have more than one child and if you are willing to coach more than one team, then there's a spot in there to be able to express that," McKean said.

There are three stages of registration that OMHSA is doing: there is early registration, which runs between Jan. 19th and Jan. 31, then there is regular registration, which runs from Feb. 1 to 22, and late registration, which runs from Feb. 23 to March 1. 

"There are opportunities for early discounts, for getting in and hopefully managing to get people so that we're not trickling in closer to actually opening up our playing season, and that way we can be more prepared," McKean noted.

Late registration has a $10 fee so to give administration "a little bit of boost to plug things in and get things going" according to McKean. After the March 1 deadline, placement will be subject to which teams have space available. 

As for the events that OMHSA has planned for the year, McKean says they are hoping to host the skills jamboree right before the season begins, which helps them create teams and keep them balanced. 

"There will be coaches training and possibly some goalie training - if we can get it organized and have some kids be interested in that, I am sure we will have tournaments planned, and I believe we will be hosting the second annual Carter Vigh Memorial Tournament. There is a possibility that the Reid Davidson Memorial Tournament will come back for a second year," McKean remarked.  

McKean says that people should register for the 2025 season because soccer is a fun sport for kids and gets them out and exercising. It also helps them meet new friends they wouldn't typically meet in school.

"I'm really excited," McKean said. "I actually think this is going to be a really exciting year."

The season is set to run from April 28 to June 28, with a break in July and August. The season will then resume on Sept. 2 and conclude on Sept. 27. 

About the Author: Misha Mustaqeem

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