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Who do you remember on Remembrance Day?

Erik Stenereud

Erik Stenereud

Forest Grove

“My family never lost anyone. I’m from Norway originally, so my dad had to fight in the Norwegian underground. Other than that, when I was a young fella, I was in the 15th Field Bessborough Artillery Corps and you just got to remember the people, you have to.”

Margaret Huber

Forest Grove

“All the men who were in the wars. My grandfather fought in the World War.”

Ruth Leblanc

Forest Grove

“My dad was overseas in the Second World War, that’s who I think about today.”

Mervin Perchie

Forest Grove

“My father was in the army and he got a discharge, so that’s about it. I had a few uncles that were in there but I don’t remember too much about them.”

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About the Author: Brendan Jure

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