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Weird economic policy

Debate or no debate, Harper has the mindset of a corporate raider

To the editor:

A corporate raider takes control of a business and then downsizes the operations by liquidating assets and terminating employees.

The immediate result is a one-time boost to the bottom line and a substantial profit for the raider and his closest associates.

Corporate raiders justify their actions with falsified data and good-for-the-economy rhetoric, but their real motivation is more wealth and power.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has the mindset of a corporate raider.

If he was ever given the authority to manage a large agricultural enterprise, he would probably sell the livestock, clear-cut the woodlots, layoff the workers, auction off the farm equipment, and subdivided the land.

Then he would shamelessly declare he had created a substantial profit because of his masterful economic action plan.

Stephen Harper is not a nation builder; he is an ego-driven pseudo corporate raider obsessed with dismantling Canada for the benefit of his financial backers.

Mr. Harper might even cook the books of his own government to show a budgetary surplus if his job was on the line.

He certainly is an incredible prime minister.

Lloyd Atkins
