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Reassessing the propriety of an MLA recall

To the editor:

The way in which the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) was introduced is a major concern to most.

And it would appear that only a handful of top inner circle cabinet ministers had any real knowledge and say in the matter. Our MLA (Donna Barnett), who was newly elected, and most others had little, if any, advance knowledge of the HST implementation prior to the official announcement.

The anti-HST movement got the attention many wanted. The premier (Gordon Campbell) is stepping down and a referendum is going to be held.

Having achieved these results, it is time to sit back and re-evaluate whether there is truly any benefit to recalling our MLA and at what cost to us in the Cariboo-Chilcotin.

If Donna Barnett were to be recalled, nothing would change vis-à-vis the current situation with the HST. We would be without an MLA until we held a costly byelection, which, in reality, would be a waste of scarce funds given that a referendum and election are on the horizon.

Additionally, the government funding and initiatives we have come to enjoy because of Barnett's hard work will dry up. Talk about "cutting one’s nose off to spite to their face."

Barnett, like all of us, may not be perfect; however, it cannot be denied she has always poured her heart and soul into helping individuals, businesses and our local region in general.

She deserves our respect, compassion and praise for all she has done for us. We should not punish her and ourselves for the deeds or perceived deeds of others.

If, and when, a recall sheet is passed in front of you, remember your signature may end up costing you, your family, your friends, and our region. Who will you blame then?

Rather than blindly battling for the sake of battling, let us all use our "God-given gift of reason" and forego the recall of our hardworking MLA.

Martin and Marg Sarich

108 Mile Ranch