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Reader agrees with McCrae letter

Not buying opinion poll results regarding curbside pickup

To the editor:

I am in agreement with the comments in Jeanette McCrae's Dec. 25 page A9 letter, headlined Writer: good reason for protesting, in regards to the awarding of a recycling contract, without Gold Trail being considered in a proper bid environment.

I feel Gold Trail Recycling is doing an excellent, award-winning job for the community at large.

I, too, registered a "no" in the opinion poll, in regards to wanting curbside pickup of recyclable items. (One of the 10 per cent?) One hundred per cent of the people I talked to also registered a "no" to wanting curbside pickup.

I agree with 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall's comment about "flying off the handle." It is an older generation comment, when a perceived wrong or action is being perpetrated against someone – apt in this circumstance.

Does the contract to pick up items for recycling include: batteries, glass, tires and unused paint? Or will it be "cherry picked," with the rest left for us to take it to Gold Trail if it still exists?

Ken Moore

100 Mile House