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즐거운 친구를 만나는 것 같이
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Every two to three months, I get to read a book with English language learners. It is like hanging out with friends at a coffee shop once a week. I’m thrilled to meet the learners and get to know them. Meeting new people from all over the world is fascinating. We can learn so much from each other.
We have participants from Canada, Korea, the Philippines, Japan, China, France, India, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Pakistan, Iran, Peru, Chile, Bangladesh, Russia, Ukraine…and more.
Because of my frequent interaction with learners, I have become a better communicator. I notice myself improving with each book club I lead.
I was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. I have always been a nerd, enjoyed an adventurous life, and was never afraid of moving 10,595 km away at the age of 17 after high school to learn English. I had no idea what my life would be like. I had faith in the book I once read about Toronto. It sure motivated me to fly 15 hours to the other side of the world.
When I first moved to Williams Lake after many years of teaching English in Seoul, late 2015, I didn’t think I would last a maximum of six months. I told my husband, “Whoa, this is like a movie set!” “Where is the mall?”. I felt like I was time travelling, back to the 90s.
Through my interactions with book club participants from all over the world, I have learned about other cultures, traditions, as well as their challenges and rewards of moving to Canada. I can relate to those who are starting a new life here.
Who knew I would still be living in this beautiful town? This October will be my tenth anniversary of living in Williams Lake!
Reading sure helps me grow. When I grow, my family grows, and this community grows. I am still figuring out what I want to do next, how am I going to improve myself?
How are you going to make a difference today?