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Pool not given a fair shake

A letter to the editor by James E Gellein

To the editor:

We are fanatics according to the 100 Mile Free Press editorial on the Oct. 26 issue.

“The pool fanatics will have to decide if they are willing to risk not having any new facilities for years to come in order to hold on to the slightest glimmer of hope”

There was a second report supporting the Rec Centre that says a pool is not affordable.

This article is promoting a turf field and a walking path and opposing our future aquatic centre with four swim lanes, a year-round water park, handicapped access to swim lanes, fitness area and a source of income.

The recent pool survey results were more residents wanted a pool than those opposed. This survey was unfair as it was for the total amount of pool costs which was 15.1 million not 18.5 million as stated in the Free Press. This amount included relocating the Agroplex which is not a capital cost. The survey taxation area was shrunk to inflate the cost to taxpayers. Available grants were not used to show the actual local cost. Vanderhoof’s 12 million dollar pool included only four million in their referendum, anticipating grants.

The South Cariboo Pool may be eligible for extra grants due to the handicapped access to the swim lanes.

Lack of swim competitions is not an issue as they are only seldom held. However, local swimmers would have a training area and be able to compete in other pools. There may be an Olympic swimmer in this area.

I disagree with the statement that a Rec Centre would appeal to a wider public because a pool can be used by every age group.

The South Cariboo Aquatic Society dissolved partly because of a 5.1 million dollar unnecessary water project imposed on the 108 residents.

This tax burden on 108 residents will also discourage a yes vote for a turf field and walking path.

In my opinion, the thousands of pool supporters deserve an apology and a news article on the benefits of an aquatic pool.

I ask that all residents of the entire South Cariboo who want a pool to ask your elected representative for one and let them know you are not the silent majority.

James E. Gellein

108 Mile Ranch