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Nice try Christy

To the editor:

To the editor:

While campaigning for the British Columbia premiership, Christy Clark proposed a Family Day holiday, saying families and workers would benefit from extra time off during the winter.

What a clever idea, but why stop there? Think big, Christy.

If your logic is sound, then we could double the benefits by having two extra holidays and triple the benefits with three extra holidays. Hallelujah — let the good times roll.

There will be more time for shopping and spending money we don’t have

and the province will rake in more HST dollars.

Oops, there’s the catch. There’s always a catch because “free lunches” are a myth unless you are a politician with your eye on a gravy-train expense account.

Nice try Christy, but you can’t buy my vote with your self-seeking flimflam.

Lloyd Atkins
