The Interlakes Horse Club (IHC) is getting ready for a brand new year with high hopes for its continuing success. One particular difference this year will be the addition of a “Director of Youth Development and Education.”
Previously a director, Erica Lemak is also taking this on, for both IHC and 100 Mile & District Outriders. As the very proud mother of two young children, Erica comments that they “are learning a new skill, all while learning how to communicate in partnership with a 1,200 pound animal,” and adds that the horse community she joined two years ago has been a huge reason why they have grown and enjoyed all the adventures along the way.
She found that the children have been brave, positive and supportive every step of the way, and she is most appreciative of IHC for “being the kind of grassroots club that encourages and supports young riders.”
Now it is up to Erica to encourage those young riders. She has lots of fun ideas and is very excited for 2025 as her task is to incorporate a wide variety of fun, educational and non-competitive horsemanship opportunities. Prizes and awards can be earned, but are not the focus of the IHC program.
If you are interested in chatting with Erica about the 2025 planned programme for youth, please reach out. Equally, if you would like to volunteer your time to help make it a success, she would love to hear from you. You can reach her via Facebook PM, or at 250-318-9290.
Fishing Highway 24 Tourist Association (FH24)
FH24 will hold their 9th Ice-Fishing Derby at Sheridan Lake Resort on Jan. 25. Weigh in from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at 2:15 p.m. Youth aged six to 16 pay $5; adults, $10. Tickets are available at Lone Butte Sporting Goods, The Country Pedlar, Interlakes Market, RONA, Donex’ Screamin’ Reel, or from the resort on derby day.
Deka’s Christmas Lights Tour
Deka’s Moving Mountains Site Services (MMSS,) who sponsored the Deka Christmas Lights Tour for the second year, were “overwhelmed by the number of entries, 85, in this year’s tour, and the amazing number of people who actually enjoyed the tour each night.” They were particularly thrilled that even Fischer Place bussed their residents out to see the beautiful displays on New Year’s Eve.
It should be noted that MMSS’ indefatigable tour route/map planner is Shannon, who is also secretary and program co-ordinator for Mountain Spruce Community Centre and who just wasn’t already busy enough! She sent warm congratulations to the winners of the tour: #9, Jerry & Taffy, 7470 Gauthier Road, and commented, “What an amazing winter wonderland they created.”
Mountain Spruce Community Centre (MSCC)
MSCC was very happy to welcome 75 people to the annual Jan. 1 Polar Bear Walk/Scavenger Hunt in MS Park; and most grateful to receive generous donations to MSCC. The event provided 14 children’s prizes and six for adults so, along with the fire to roast marshmallows, hotdogs and hot chocolate, a good time was had by all attendees.
Belated happy birthday to Sandy Amy for Jan. 2; and happy birthday to Jaime Cameron.
Yoga at MSCC: 10 a.m., Tuesdays (Prairie) and 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays (Stacey).
Cardio at ICC: 9 a.m., Friday, Jan. 10.
Crib at MSCC: Jan.10. $4 fee includes a drop-in fee.
Creative Kids at ICC: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Mondays from Jan. 13. For homeschoolers aged four to 12. The class fee is via a punch card system, $10 per class.
Line Dancing at ICC: 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays from January 14
Log Cabin Quilters meet on Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at ICC.
Jam Night at MSCC: Jan. 18. $2 drop-in fee
Bingo at ICC: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 19. Cash only. 19+. Doors open at noon.
100 Mile Repair Cafe at ICC: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Jan. 20. None in February
Fishing Highway 24 Fishing Derby: Saturday, Jan. 25; see above.
Poker at ICC: 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. Play starts 7 p.m. sharp. Buy-in $10 plus $2 for the hall. Info from Jeanne, 250-593-4308.
Deka Ice Fishing Derby conditions permitting: Feb. 15. Stay tuned.