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Deka Lake a buzz with upcoming events

Diana Forster’s regular column to the 100 Mile Free Press
The elite and excellent judges for Mountain Spruce Community Centre’s April 11 Cooking Challenge comprised (L) Donna Barnett, MLA Lorne Doerkson and MSCC president Barry Dennison. (Diana Forster photo)

The Mountain Spruce Community Centre is very grateful to everyone who supported the April 21 meat draw at Eddy’s Bar & Grill. MSCC received $582.50, which included proceeds from the 50/50 draw, the meat draw and many generous donations from attendees.

MSCC reminds residents of another Peace Bell Pottery workshop with Cindy Faulkner of Sun Spirit Studio, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday, May 21; the class fee is $62.

Attendees build and decorate their own bells from rolled slabs of clay and, after a drying break, paint them with coloured underglazes and apply final design touches. Cindy will take them to her studio to dry, fire in the kiln, clear-glaze, and fire again.

At a later date, participants meet to see all the creations and take theirs home. All materials are included. Bring items for texture—pine cones, leaves, anything for your unique masterpiece; and a snack to share. Register to ensure a space at 604 617 7863 or email Once confirmed, e-transfer $62 to the same e-mail. No refunds.

MSCC’s crib tournament was held on May 10. First place went to Shirley Scott, followed by Henny Swaffield and Denise Britton. Lynne Dick took last place. Crib games continue every other Friday throughout the summer.

Deka Lake and District Ratepayers Association

The guiding buoys at Sulphurous Lake’s boat launch are in! If one comes loose or goes missing, please let DLDRA know ASAP. Due to the incredibly low water line this year, the rocks on the floor bed about 30/40 feet out are only some two feet under and will probably become more exposed as summer continues. Use utmost caution when launching or loading your boat.

The guiding buoys are also in through the channel at Deka. Remember that the lake is low so please proceed with caution.

In order to clean up our community, DLDRA asks residents to walk around and remove a little roadside trash on Saturday, May 25. Then, at noon, they can head over to Chris and Ken Schmidt’s house, 7464 Burgess Road, near the firehall, for hot dogs and pop; and maybe win the door prize!


In early May, Fisheries conducted a burbot study on Sulphurous Lake—trapping, tagging and releasing burbot. Signs tell you what to do if you catch a tagged fish.

They also announced that they will conduct lake trout surveys on Hathaway Lake and Sulphurous Lake from August 8 to 25. Four nets at a time will be set up for two hours between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., and possibly some overnight netting, with the objective of keeping track of the number of lake trout in the lake. These surveys have been done before and the Ministry intends to monitor each lake every five to ten years.

Bridge Lake Stampede

The 73rd Bridge Lake Stampede is Saturday, June 29 at the Stampede Grounds, just off Highway 24 at Bridge Lake Business Route. Enjoy a pancake breakfast from 9:30 a.m.; and the hair-raising rodeo riders‘ competition from noon. Admission: Adults, $20; seniors, $15; children aged five to 12, $10; wee ones aged under four and under get in free. Note also that admission fees include overnight camping.

In the evening, Bridge Lake Community Club will host an outdoor Rodeo Dance in the beer garden.


Belated birthday wishes go to Nicki Bonter and Dave Ostlund. Birthday bubbly also goes to Penny Millway and Herb Moser.


Creative Kids at the Interlakes Community Centre (ICC): (homeschoolers aged four -12) 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Thursdays, May 16/30 and June 13, then summer break.

Loon Bay Craft Market opens 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Saturday from May 18. Call Joan at 250-593-2353 to reserve a spot.

Jam Night at MSCC: 7 p.m., Saturday, May 18.

Pottery Workshop at MSCC: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 21; see above.

Log Cabin Quilters at ICC: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Wednesdays. May 22 & 29 are for Community Quilting. June 5 is for members only.

Interlakes Horse Club meeting at ICC: 6 p.m. Friday, June 7.

Crib at MSCC: 7 p.m., May 24.

Poker at ICC: 6:30 p.m., May 25. Play starts 7 p.m. sharp. Buy-in $10 plus $2 for the hall. Info from Jeanne, 250-593-4308.

Interlakes Horse Club “Fun Flag Day” at Interlakes Rodeo Grounds: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, May 26. The public is always welcome to watch IHC’s events.

Bingo at ICC: (Cash only) 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, May 26. Doors open at noon. The progressive pot stands at $500.