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Lac La Hache Elementary receiving playground upgrades

Lac La Hache Elementary gets $195,000 in funding; more improvements are planned by School District 27

Lac La Hache Elementary School is getting a new playground this summer. 

The Ministry of Education and Child Care announced on June 4 in a press release that they will be providing funding for 26 playgrounds in 26 school districts, with each receiving $195,000. Lac La Hache Elementary is the only school in SD27 receiving the funding.

The funding comes from the Playground Equipment Program, which provides "specific funding to purchase and install new or replacement playground equipment that is universal in design, and in compliance with accessibility measures as defined through the Canadian Standards Association," according to the press release.

Brenda Hooker, secretary-treasurer for SD27, said the district welcomes the fund because currently, Lac La Hache's playground is out of date.

"They're an older style playground that isn't currently recommended for installation anymore," Hooker said. "And as we replace all our playgrounds, upgrade them to more modern-style equipment, we also make them more accessible." 

The new playground upgrades are set to be installed throughout the summer, according to Hooker. She says that the current playground will be left at Lac La Hache Elementary until the end of the school year. The new playground will be ready for the students to use when they return to school in September. 

"We're really excited to be able to install the new playground for the elementary (school)," Hooker remarked. 

However, this is not the only upgrade SD27 has planned for the school. SD27 is planning on upgrading the entire building envelope of Lac La Hache Elementary, which will involve replacing windows, doors and exterior siding. Hooker says that they plan on completing those upgrades around 2026.

"We'll be a couple of years down the road before we can manage to get the funding for that," she remarked. 

In the meantime, Hooker believes that the students at Lac La Hache will enjoy their new playground. 

"I'm sure they're gonna be super excited to try out the new equipment." 

About the Author: Misha Mustaqeem

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