With a potential 50 members of the Cariboo Artists Guild eligible to contribute works to their upcoming Fine Art Show and Sale at Parkside Gallery, the seven-week long exhibition is bound to please visitors.
Around 90 paintings and drawings created by local artists will be on display.
The show opens July 22 with a reception from 5 to 9 p.m. where all of the contributing artists will be on hand to meet the public and answer questions about their work. As is usual for Parkside show openings, a spread of snacks will be laid out for people to enjoy and just a nominal cash donation will get people into the show and in line for goodies.
This will be the 31st annual show and sale for the guild and members will be breaking with tradition a little this year.
In the past, the public has had the opportunity to vote on their choice of best of show, but the 2011 show will see a professional judge providing a constructive critique on the work of each participating artist.
"Our goal is to encourage, not compete," explains Parkside president Patsy Granberg.
Each year, the show carries a theme and participating artists will be stretching their imaginations to produce a piece of work that illustrates their perception of "The Future."
"It will be thought-provoking and a way to look into the minds of local artists," says Granberg.
While most of the submitted pieces will have a price tag on them, Granberg stresses that making sales is not what it's all about.
"Lots of artists feel that making a sale validates their work, but it's more about sharing your work. It's an individual thing."
At the same time, Granberg is encouraging people to purchase pieces they like because it keeps local dollars in the local community. As well, the commission charged by Parkside on each sale is used to help cover their operating costs.
Like a giant black beacon, a new sign atop Parkside will guide people to the gallery and the show. The sign is a blast from the past donated by local artist Guy Hildrebrand who used it in the 1980s for a private gallery he had at 99 Mile.
As a primer for the art show, the South Cariboo Drum Circle will perform at Parkside on July 14 from 7 to 9:30 p.m., beating out a host of traditional and folk/country rhythms from around the world. Special guest, and master drummer Fana Soro will accompany the local group and add some spice with his African drumming.
Admission for this event is $5.
Parkside Art Gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 4 p.m. each Saturday.
It's the bright blue building located at 401 Cedar Ave., adjacent to 100 Mile House Junior Secondary.