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Who is the baby in this picture?

Local wants to return photo to original owner
Tess Frohlich found this picture in a book she bought at a flea market. She wants to return the photograph to its rightful owner. Submitted photo.

Do you recognize the baby in the photograph?

It’s a mystery Tess Frohlich is hoping to find the answer to so she can return the picture to its rightful owner.

Frohlich found the picture in a book from a flea market in the area two years ago. She recently re-found the photograph shuffling through a couple of boxes.

“It’s such a beautiful picture,” she says.

“I see it must be actually old because this picture is brown and it is not usual today. Even when you see the clothing you know the baby is a little bit different than today I would say.”

The photo is sepia-toned and shows a baby in what looks to be a white robe with a hand crocheted sweater.

Frohlich hopes to return the photograph because she’s had a similar story happen to her.

When she was 50, still living in Germany, she met a woman at a flea market. They began talking and the conversation was so good Frohlich was invited around the corner for coffee.

“We talked a little bit and I went in her room and saw a picture on the wall. I said, ‘Where did you find that picture?’ She said, ‘In a flea market.” I said, ‘You like that?’ and she said, ‘Yeah, it’s so cute.’

“I said, ‘Thank you, it’s me.’

“Can you imagine?”

She said it would be nice to talk to whoever the photo belongs to, but her real goal is just to return the picture.

“It’s beautiful.”

If you have an idea of who is in the picture or who it belongs to, stop by the Free Press, give us a call at 250-395-2219 or send an email to news room@100milefree