The South Cariboo Sustainability Com-mittee (SCSC) is showing a series of films in 100 Mile House.
Committee chair Patricia Spencer says the goal of the Sustainable Community Film Series is to raise awareness and
engage local residents in sustainability issues.
On Feb. 15, the film Escape from Suburbia will provide an exploration of what the second half of the Oil Age will bring, she explains.
What a Way to Go: Life at the End of the Empire on March 15 offers more on peak oil, but also covers some other aspects of what is in store for the planet.
In this film, she notes an average fellow comes to terms with the global predicament with “peak oil, climate change, mass extinction, population overshoot and the demise of the North American lifestyle.”
Finally, on April 19, the film shown will be Transition Town, which is based on the worldwide movement, and it describes how communities around the globe are responding to peak oil and climate change, and rebuilding their local economies and communities.
The films will be shown at the 100 Mile Library meeting room at 7:30 p.m., with admission by a suggested donation from $2 to $5.
The SCSC meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m. just prior to the films.
The public is always welcome to attend those.
For more information, call 250-791-1901.