Nominations for the province's highest recognition of excellence and lifetime achievement - the Order of British Columbia honour for 2011 - are now being accepted. "The Order of British Columbia is the province's most prestigious accolade and is an official part of the Canadian Honours system," says Steven Point, Lieutenant-Governor and Chancellor of the Order of British Columbia.
"It avails us the opportunity to publicly recognize the good works of those in our communities who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to make all our lives better.” To submit a candidate's name and biographical information, nominators are asked to complete the OBC nomination form. These can be obtained by downloading the form from the website: or requesting the form from any Service B.C. office, or from the Honours and Awards Secretariat office at 250-356-7916. Nominations will be accepted at the Secretariat's office at 1st floor; 548 Michigan St.; Victoria, B.C.; V8V 1S2) until 5 p.m. on March 10. A dinner and special ceremony of recognition will be hosted later this year by Lt.-Gov. Point at Government House for recipients and invited guests. The Order of British Columbia was established in 1989. Since its inception, 303 British Columbians have been honoured.