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Merry Christmas to readers

Diana Forster’s regular correspondence for the Interlakes area
A merry Christmas to all readers. (Diana Forster - Correspondent)

I wish all of my readers a joyous Christmas, with special blessings on those who have reason to be sad.


Congratulations to Joice and Danny Jenewein on their 59th wedding anniversary, Dec. 30.

T’is the week after Christmas and all through the town

Merchants are busy with Boxing Day crowds,

Wishing Happy New Year to all who come in,

Greeting all comers with a wide happy grin.

Deer and moose are all out at play and

Licking the roads—salt ration that way;

Birds a-plenty fly in to their seed

And squirrels climb up for their share of feed;

Skaters and sledders all out for a thrill

Hoping that no-one will take a small spill.

Daffodils pushing to make us aware—

Days getting longer, spring in the air!


Call the writer for contact numbers.

- Crib at the Deka Firehall is at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 27.

- Darts and Games night at the MSCEC is at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 28.

- Bread-making class at the ICC is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 18. Call 250-593-4869 to register.