Deka Lake & District Volunteer Fire Department (DL&DVFD) Ladies Auxiliary's March meeting set the annual Fall Dinner for Oct. 23.
During the past couple of months, the auxiliary has happily welcomed several new members: Laurie Hill from Higgins Lake and Penny Millway, Sonja Olsen and Penny Szach of Deka Lake.
The auxiliary agreed to provide $2,000 to the DL&DVFD for a compressor and accessories to make it easier to change wheels on the fire trucks.
It was suggested the auxiliary hold a spa day in the fall. This might include Healing Touch, reflexology, pedicures, manicures, etc., and the idea was very well received.
Gymnastics fundraiser
The time for the rhythmic gymnastics auction at Interlakes Hall has changed to March 26, and it will be a “country dinner.”
Tickets are $10 per head, and the auction commences at 7 p.m.
There is no admission charge for the auction, but a verbal reservation is required, so call Sharron Woloshyn at 250-593-0041.
Baugh passes
Marie Baugh, a one-time Interlakes resident and writer for the Free Press, passed away on Feb. 4 at nearly 80 years of age.
The community extends condolences to Marie's family and friends.
BLCS news
• Bridge Lake Community School (BLCS) is holding another boating certification class at 7 p.m., March 30. Participants should pick up a booklet from Services Canada, and then attend on March 30 for a review and the test. The cost is $75, and space is limited, advance registration is required.
• At 6 p.m. on March 28, Percy Swain will teach people how to quickly and easily make samosas. The cost is $10.
• Registration before March 27 is required for a First Aid Level 1 course from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 2. Space is limited and the cost is $100. To register, call BLCS co-ordinator Wendy Dubbin at 250-593-4538.
Mexico bound
Travels on Sunday will be held at Bridge Lake School from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on March 20.
It will take participants to Mexico with Bridge Lake's Sunny Delmaestro. All are welcome to enjoy this free trip.
Plane talk
Given his very popular display of remote-controlled planes in Bridge Lake Library's Community Showcase, Chub Neufeld has agreed to give a talk and demonstration at 1 p.m., March 26 in the Bridge Lake School gym. Everyone is welcome.
Champagne and caviar go to Danny Jenewein who turns 70 on March 19.
Birthday bubbly also goes to Audrey Smith for March 21.
Congratulations to Karen and Bruce Simundson on their 26th wedding anniversary March 18.
• Family bingo tonight (March 16) and March 23 at Deka Firehall. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and play starts at 7. Come for fun, door prizes, bake-table raffle and Super G.
• Teen Space meets at Interlakes Hall, 5:30 to 7:30p.m. on March 18. All Interlakes youth aged 12 and up are welcome.
• Crib, Deka Firehall, 7:30 p.m., March 18.
• Knotty Ladies Appliqué Group meets noon to 3 p.m., March 21 at Interlakes Hall.
• Highway 24/Interlakes Lions meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, March 21 at Interlakes Hall.
• Roe Lake and District Recreation Commission meets at 7 p.m., March 23 at Interlakes Hall, followed by an Interlakes Community Association meeting at 7:30 p.m.