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Lac la Hache residents seem to be doing well

Barb Hansen's regular correspondence for the 100 Mile Free Press

Despite freezing weather which brought heavy cold, flu and bronchitis to our community, everyone is starting to feel betternow and activities are ready to resume.

Rolf Zeis Arena

The arena was the first to reopen, with public skating offered on Jan. l and other skating events having since taken placethere.

The cold freezing weather also created some havoc, freezing pipes and one hot water tank. These items have been repairedor are in the process of being repaired.

Thank you volunteers, for dealing with these problems as they are occurring and reporting them in a timely manner. It islike running a house but on a much larger scale, there’s always something going on or happening.

Brittany Wasstrom has volunteered to look into finding any available grants for the arena.

Another exciting bit of news is that there seems to be another fundraising event in the works slated for Feb 24.

I will share the details as they come available and report on them closer to the time.


The Lac la Hache community church is sponsoring another coffeehouse evening on Friday, Feb. 3, at the Seniors Center.

It promises to be a great time with local entertainment, free coffee and snacks.

The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and it will start at 7.

Any donations received will be contributed to the Loaves and Fishes Food Bank outreach.

Community Club

The Community Club had its first meeting of the year.

It was great to see attendance up with many of the new volunteers from the hockey arena.

The ladies were quite enthusiastic and had some great ideas for upcoming events; they are much younger than most of uswith young families at home and they would like to see the Club offer more family events which all can participate in andenjoy.

Family day

Family day in British Columbia is Feb. 13. This year a movie night for families is in the works.

Please stay tuned for more details in my next column as to time and perhaps even the name of the movie.