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Kids Space members, parents enjoy spawning channel experience

On May 31, the Friends of Sheridan Lake Society (FOSLS) closed the spawning channel at Sheridan Park Resort
Kids Space members participated in closing the spawning channel at Sheridan Park Resort on May 31. Mieke McIntosh

On May 31, the Friends of Sheridan Lake Society (FOSLS) closed the spawning channel at Sheridan Park Resort for the season, and FOSLS president Chris Brown invited Kids Space to participate.

The channel is used to release eggs from the female fish, so they do not become egg bound and die young.

Since there are no natural streams in or out of Sheridan Lake, this place is ideal – due to the slope of the land – for the fish to swim up the ladder and spawn.

A large pump at the bottom of the channel pumps water to the top and then it runs down quite forcefully. When the water becomes too warm (18.3 C) the fish get stressed and the channel has to be shut down.

When the water flow is turned off, many fish, large and small, stay behind in the individual pools. They must be caught in nets, put into buckets and carried down to the lake to be released. They refuse to swim down by themselves.

Eventually, only very small fish remain and the Kids Space children, many of whom had never caught a fish, enjoyed catching them, learned how to carefully handle them and put them into buckets, and released them into the lake.

Their parents enjoyed themselves quite as much as the children.

Students excel

Interlakers are very proud of their grads and wish them every success in the future. They include Tristiana Allwood, Hailey Blattler, Jesse Boyce, Dawn Caldwell, Brent Ehlers, Jennifer Sprecher, Samuel Vogel and Nicole Walry.

Donations needed

Interlakes Volunteer Fire Department’s July 4 Garage & Bake Sale is in “dire need” of stuff to sell:  call Bill Versluis at 250-593-2398 to arrange to drop it off or have it picked up.


Birthday bubbly goes to Crystal Thibeault, Bill Versluis, Mary Weight and Wolf Zink.


Call the writer for contact numbers.

• Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission meets 7 p.m. on June 24 at Interlakes Community Centre, followed by an Interlakes Community Association meeting at 7:30.

• Quilts for Chemo: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., June 25 at Interlakes Community Centre. They will not meet in July or August.