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Fishing derby casts strong competition

Fishing event packs in people for prizes, pig roast

The Watch Lake/Green Lake Community Association (WLGLCA) Fishing Derby saw a great turnout of eager folks competing for fins and greenbacks, with 79 fish caught by 177 entrants between both lakes, June 3-4.

The pig roast on Saturday also brought out 116 diners for the usual barbeque dinner with live entertainment, helping to fundraise for the very popular annual derby, along with an adult-packed beer garden and the family pancake breakfasts served both days.

Longtime WLGLCA members, the derby was hosted at the Watch Lake Lodge with Dimps Horn (amplified by belting them out, as usual) began announcing the winners at about 3 p.m. while prizes were handed out by the co-organizer of the annual derby, Krista Froland-Vieira (70 Mile General Store owner), and some young helpers.

Dennis Quaale caught the biggest fish overall, at 4 lb, 4-3/4 ounces, pulled from the waters of Watch Lake at 8:28 a.m. on Sunday morning (June 4).

He won the grand prize of $500 for his trophy catch, along with other sponsor prizes, including a hat and vehicle tow strap/tie downs from NAPA, and a $50 gift certificate for the Lone Butte Gardens, for catching the biggest fish on Sunday.

Dan Grant, was close on his trout’s tail weighing in at 4 lb, 3-1/2 oz catch at 5:11 a.m. the same day, June 4, also in Watch Lake, and won $200 as second place overall derby winner.

Of the 69 adults in the Watch Lake adult category, Saturday’s biggest fish was brought to the scales by Ken Grant, at 2 lb, 12 oz.

Of the entrants over at Green Lake, both day’s biggest fish were caught by Rob Johnson – who also won first on Sunday, and last fish both days. After reeling in Saturday’s 2 lb, 11 1/4 oz at 1:37 p.m., he went on to weigh-in Sunday’s largest catch (2 lb/12-1/2 oz) to again win that award (as the only Green Lake entrant on Sunday), loading him down with prizes.

Several of the 15 children who entered were thrilled to win some derby events in their category, with the biggest overall fish of the children’s competition at Watch Lake won on Saturday by Owen Corscadoen, at 1 lb, 4 1/2 oz, who won a bit bigger fishing rod, and also took the first catch prize.

Then on Sunday, Ayla Johnson, at 1 lb 8 oz, caught the biggest fish and was awarded a Bluetooth speaker, and also won for the last fish that day. (There were no child entrants at Green Lake.)

The youngest entrant overall was won by Scarlette Johnson, 3, who showed her delight to the crowd by waving her prize, a small pink fishing rod.

Not to be outdone by the kiddies, oldest fisherman was awarded to Henry Burdeyney, 82; oldest fisherwoman was Sharen Rostad, 79, and furthest travelled, Robert Guenther, came all the way from St. Albert, Alberta to enter the derby.

Other derby prizes were awarded to participants as follows:

Children, Watch Lake, Sunday – first fish, Aden Johnson; Green Lake, Saturday, last fish Robin Fry.

Adult, Watch Lake, Saturday and Sunday – first fish, Stephanie Salzbrenner (both); last fish, Saturday, Wayne How, Sunday, Chris Talbot. Green Lake, first fish, Saturday, Ray Johnson.

All the volunteers were soundly thanked, in a few short speeches, along with much gratitude expressed by the WLGLCA to all the derby’s sponsors and participants.

The crowd in the beverage garden, witnessing the prizes being awarded on Sunday afternoon after weigh-in, expressed their delight with the derby by boisterously cheering, while the children watched and listened intently from outside and were enjoying their hot dogs and free pepperoni snacks.