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Deka firefighters ice-out raffle underway

The South Cariboo's original ice-out raffle, initiated by Deka firefighters in the early '90s is underway.

Residents pay $1 per ticket, or $5 for six, and guess, to the nearest second, when the ice will leave Deka Lake. Winners will receive cash.

Recent bizarre weather, ranging from 16C to -36C is not making it easy to guess effectively, but three cash prizes will be awarded. The earliest recorded ice-out was April 19 and the latest was May 14.

Dawson passes

Longtime residents will remember Ron and Carole Dawson who lived at Deka from 1980 to '85, and will be sorry to learn that Ron passed away in Kelowna, Nov. 27, at the age of 85.

A keen community supporter, whose wife, Carole, was president of the Ladies Auxiliary, Ron was a school bus driver and Deka's second fire chief from 1983 to 1985.

A celebration of life will be held in Kelowna on April 15. Details will be available soon from Marion Traill at 250-593-4394.

Land swap

A potential land swap between Heritage Island and a portion of Bridge Lake's south shore will be discussed at an information meeting at 7 p.m. on Feb. 28 at Interlakes Hall.

Any such new subdivision would contain minimum two-acre lots. If things move forward, rezoning applications are expected to go to the Cariboo Regional District in March or April. All interested parties are advised to attend the Feb. 28 meeting.

BCLS news

• Bridge Lake Community School (BLCS) co-ordinator Wendy Dubbin voiced her deep appreciation to all those who worked at the school's Jan. 23 Jumble Sale, which raised $850 to further school programs, and to generous residents who provided sale goods.

Specially recognized for going above and beyond were Elsie Clarkson, Lydia de Groot, Celeste Faessler, Chris Lance, Gail Larson, Tanya Lucente, Brenda Tillyer, Eagan Lake Resort's Kris and Cheryl Verheul, Kerry and Leroy Wright of Bridge Lake Store, and Sharron Woloshyn.

All unsold items were donated to various 100 Mile House charities, such as Cedar Crest Society for Community Living and the Women's Shelter. In addition, the timing could not have been better for the new library that opened at Fischer Place, as they were delighted to take magazines, etc.

• BLCS' reflexology course runs at 7 p.m., Feb. 22, March 1 and 8, and the cost is $50.

Call 250-593-4538 to see if space is still available.

Sunday travels

On Feb. 27, residents can visit Tanzania with Wolfgang and Hannah Viertel.

Their Travels on Sunday presentation is at Bridge Lake School from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Librarian Brenda Tillyer notes that these wonderful vicarious adventures are free to folks who attend.


Birthday bubbly goes to Peggy Lackey, and four big balloons go to Joelle Kuyek for Feb. 21.


Call the writer for contact numbers.

• Teen Space Youth Group meets 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Feb. 18 at Interlakes Hall. All Interlakes youth aged 12 plus are welcome.

• Crib, Deka Firehall, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 18.

• Follow the signs from Highway 24 down West Sheridan Lake Road to the Lions' Ice Fishing Derby, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., Feb. 20. Tickets cost $5 and there are lots of prizes. All proceeds go to the B.C. Lions Society Easter Seal Houses.

• Knotty Ladies Appliqué Group meets noon to 3 p.m., Feb. 21 at Interlakes Hall

• Highway 24/Interlakes Lions meet 6:30 p.m., Feb. 21 at Interlakes Hall.

• Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission meets 7 p.m., Feb. 23 at Interlakes Hall; followed by an Interlakes Community Association meeting at 7:30 p.m.

• Lions Club Snowarama Ride for Timmy's Telethon is on Feb. 27. Riders should meet at 7659 Larson Rd., off West Sheridan Lake Road, at l0 a.m.