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Cooking up a cookbook

Gisele Poliseno’s regular correspondence for the North Green Lake/Watch Lake area

By Gisele Poliseno

The Watch Lake/North Green Lake VFD Auxiliary is planning to create a cookbook as a fundraiser to raise monies for the fire department. The auxiliary’s goal is to have this cookbook available at the Bake and Garage sale in May. Currently, I have 60 recipes and need, at least, 100 recipes to even start the cookbook. If you would like to participate, please send me your favourite recipes and as many as you want, to this email address and include your name and phone number just in case I need to contact you. A huge thank you to the people who submitted their recipes already. It is so greatly appreciated.

Watch Lake Community Hall

If you would like to rent the Watch Lake Community Hall (WLCH) for receptions like weddings or anniversaries, birthday parties, get-togethers, meetings and other activities, please contact Joni Guenther at 250-456-7330. She will gladly book the days you require for that special day.

Special wishes

Belated birthday wishes go to David Cole and Janet Wirick for Jan. 9. Bubbly wishes to Rollie Rupertus for the 11.


- WLNGLVFD meets two to three times a month. The next couple of practices will be on Jan. 23 and Feb. 6. New volunteers are always welcome. If you can find the time, come and join.

- The next Watch Lake Community Association (WLCA) meeting will be on Feb. 14 at the WLCH. The social starts at 7 p.m. with the meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

- The Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute (WLDWI) meets every third Wednesday of each month at the WLCH at 11:30 am. Bring a lunch. New members are welcome.

Let me know

If you have community events, get-well, birthday or anniversary wishes or news you would like to share with the community, call the writer at 250-395-9082 or email at I would love to hear from you.